domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016

Uploading a web page to a server:
If you are not using an online hosting service,you will need to upload your CMS program or your web page to the server.You can use FTP programs to upload your web page to the server.These programs manage the transfer of web page files from your computer's hard drive to a server.We call this uploading.FTP programs also work in the opposite direction,so you can download content from a server yo your computer.

Completing and updating a web page:
Remember that is the content is always up to date,people will continue visiting your web page.

5.2 BLOGS:
Weblogs or blogs are a special type of web page.They were originally used as online diaries for people to share their personal experiences.Bloggers publish entries or posts in chronological order,with newer posts appering at the top of the list.
Blogs have other characteristics which made them interesting:

  • The same blog can be shared by various bloggers working together as a team.
  • Blogs can include hyperlinks to photos,audio recordings or videos.
  • We can use blogs to make daily reports abaut a project and receive helpful feedback from other people.
  • Businesses can use blogs to improve their customer service,by quickly responding to questions or complaints abaut their products.They can also post manuals,videos and up-to-date information for their customers.
Some of the most popular blogging services are Blogger,Wordpress and Tumbr.

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