sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2016

We will look at various techniques,in order of complexity,from the most difficult to the simplest.

1.Direct programming:
Is the most difficult option,since it requires knowledge of programming languages and tools.

  • HTML:Is used for stactic web page design.HTML was the first language invented for web page creation.
  • CSS:Is used to create the structure of a document.
  • PHP:Is a language used to create dynamic web pages.
  • MySQL:Is a database management system used for dynamic web pages.
2.Using a Content Management System:
We can use a CMS to create dynamic web pages.
These systems have several advantage:
a) They are fast because they don't require direct programming.

b) Some are free.

c) Some CMS services offer a package that includes hosting and CMS installation.This is convenient because the installation sometimes requires special server functions.

There are also some disadvantages:

a)You cannot do anything you want.You are limited to the functions that the program allows.

b)CMS programs are complex and it takes a long time to learn how to use them.

c)You must have a server with enough storage space for the program.

The most popular CMS services are joomla!,Drupal and Wordpress. You can also use Prestashop to create a web page for online shopping.

3.Using a web development program:
These programs translate your web page design into HTML language,so you do not need to know how to program.Some are free,such as Kompozer. Others cost money,such as web creator and adobe dreamweaver professional ,which is the best-know.

4.Using the online hosting services that some pages offer:
This is the easiest way to create a web page.You select the elements of your web page from a menu of options and add them to one of the many templates that are offered.
These web creation services are quite complete and the results are very professional.The free versions have certain limitations:

a)They include advertising,which some people may find unattractive.

b)The web address may be rather long and difficult to remember.

Althoungh there are many services like this,the most popular ones include Wix,Jimdo,Hostiner and 1&1.Another popular web creation service is Google Sites.If you have a gmail account,you can easily create pages with web address such as the following:

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