viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2016

On the internet, we can quickly and easly creaty information about anything that we consider interesting.Then we can communicate that information to other people,either privately or publicly.The most popular tools for creating and distributing information on the internet are web pages,blogs and wikis.

In the following section,you will learn how to create attractive web pages where you can share information with other people.The first step is to plan the design and content of everything that will appear on your web page,such as text,photos and illustrations.The content must be interesting and visually appealing in orden to attract the maximum number of visits.The steps that you must follow are:

  1. Register a domain
  2. Sign up with a host server
  3. Design and create your web page
  4. Upload your page to the server
  5. Update your web page regularly
To register a domain for your web page,you must choose a name that is not alredy being used.Domain registration services have seach engines for checking possible names.

Web pages by offering space on their servers.Domain registration services may also provide hosting,and web page design companies often include both registration and hosting.The cost of hosting usually depends on the amount of space that your domain will occupy on the server.

A website is a set of web pages under the same domain name.
Designing a web page:there are no official rules for how a web page must look.
Title:the title that you choose is very important,since it indicates the overall topic of your web page.The title will be used to match your page with other people's seach criteria.The title of a web page also appears in the banner section of a web browser.
Colour combinations:You should remember this when you choose text and background colours for your own web page.
A baladed layout:To archieve this effect,we can use tables to structure the in neat columns and rows.In addiction,tables allow 
for other functions:

  1. Inserting and eliminating rows and colums.
  2. Combining and dividing cells.
  3. drawing borders on cells and tables.
  4. Changing the background and text format of each cell.

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