domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017

Energy production includes many steps,from the extraction of natural resources to the transportation and final distribution of energy to consumers.Each of these steps can have an impact on the environement.
  • Extracting natural resources
  • Transporting fuel
  • Generating fuel
  • Waste treatment.

  • When we burn fossil fuels,gases such as carbón dioxide and methane are released into the air.These gases contribute to the greenhouse effect,which increases the earth's average temperature.
  • Alredy we can observe some of the effects of global warmig,such as the melting of our polar ice caps and glaciers which lead to rising sea levels,and more extreme weather conditions in many places around the world.
  • Power stations that burn fossil fuels also reléase other pullution into the air,such as sulphur oxide and nitrous oxide.These pollutants combine with wáter vapour in the air to produce acid rain,which damages our forest,lakes and rivers.It also contributes to the acidification of our oceans.
  • These power stations effect plant and animal life because they use refrigeration systems that pump hot wáter into our rivers and oceans.This increases the local wáter temperature and also reduces the amount of oxygen in the wáter.

The fossil fuels that consumers use in their cars or home heating systems also have an effect on the evironment.

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