martes, 28 de marzo de 2017


Between the terminals of a battery,theree is a continuous,stable flow of energy.If we use a voltemeter to measure the current in a car battery,the result will always be 12 volts.This is called direct current.In the same way,if we connect a light bulb to a battery,the electrons always flow in the same direction with the same current.

If we measured the voltaje of an electrical socket,the results could be represented in a graph like the one below:
  • The current begins at 0V and increases to 325V.
  • The current decreases from 325V to 0V.
  • The current becomes negative and decreases to -325V.
  • The current increases to 0V.
The variation of any electrical parameter over a period of time is an electric signal.
The tensión or voltage of domestic electricity is an alternating signal becouse it alternates between positive and negative values.Its waveform is also sinusoidal,with a smooth,regular shape.

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