sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2016

Hyperlinks can be added to images or texts.There are two types of hyperlinks:

  1. External links: Take use to other websites related to the topic.
  2. Internal links: Take use to a different part of the same website.There may be forward or backward buttons,or an index at the beginning of the page with links to various sections of the text.

  1. Another fundamental aspect of web page design is the affective combination of text formats and images.
  2. If we want our web page to look more dynamic,we can add animated gifs,which are images that move.We can also use dynamic text formats,which change their colour or appearance.


Althoungh you shouldn't give any personal information on the internet,it may be interesting to receive feedback from users who visit your page.

       PAGE ORDER:

If you have created various pages,you can join them together with internal links.Here are two ways that you can order the pages.
  1. Linear order:One page follows another,like the pages of a magazine.
  2. Hierarchial order:From the first page,we can link to any other page that we like.

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