jueves, 19 de enero de 2017


Is the capacity of a body to perform transformation and do work.Food labels provide us information abaut the nutrional qualities of the food we eat.Our bodies are like machines that transform the energy in food into metabolic (chamical) energy and muscular (mechanical) energy.
Muscular energy was the only source of energy that people had.
Technological objects that we use also require energy to function correctly and perform tasks.


  • Potential:Associated with the heigh of an object above the ground,or the storage of energy in a spring.
  • Kinetic:The energy of physical movement.
  • Mechanical:The sum of potential and kinetic energy.
  • Sound:The energy of sound waves,which are produced by vibrations and propagated though a physical médium.
  • Electrical:The product of an electrical current.
  • Nuclear:The energy in the nucleus of an atom.
  • Luminous:Associated with light.
  • Thermal or Calorific:Associated with the movement of particles in matter.
  • Chemical:Results from the formation or descomposition of substances.
  • Electromagnetic:Occurs when electrical currents créate magnetic fields.


Energy is measured in "joules".When energy takes the form of heat,we often express it as "calories".

1.3 POWER:

Power is a measurement of how quickly work is done.The power of a machine is the amount of work that it can do in a certain amount of time.

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017


  • Answer:

      1.What is the difference between a form of energy and an energy source?
  • Which an energy source is a natural resources that we can use to generate differents forms of energy and form of energy is present in all physical phenomenon.
      2.Can you name an energy source?
  • Gas,petroleo,sun...
      3. What is a renewable energy source?
  • Renewable energy sources come from natural resources.That we cannot use up completely.
      4.Where do oil,gas and coal come from?
  • From natural resources
      5.What types of power stations do you know?
  • Thermosolar power,nuclear power and hydroelectric power,marine and wind power.
      6.How is electricity transported from a power station to your home?
  • First raising the voltaje,second high voltaje lines,third reducing the voltaje and as this point,the power is distributed.
      7.What do the terms greenhouse effect and acid rain mean? How ae they related to energy production?
  • "G.E": Which acreces the courths aaverage temperature.
  • "A.R": Contributes to the acification of our oceans.
      8.What others points could you add to your poster or leaflet?
  • Eviromental consequences.