miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

CAPACITORS: Are components that can store an electrical charge.
The value of a capacitors indicates the charge in volts that it can store.This is measured in farads.

DIODES:  Is an electronic component made from semiconductor materials.It only allows electric current to flow in one direction.A diode has two electrodes: an anode and a cathode.
A LED only gives off light when an electric current flows throungh it.
Electronics involves the study of circuits and compenents that modify the intensity, direction or properties of electric currents.

In this section,we will analyse the most common electronic components.

FIXED RESISTANCE OR RESISTOR: A fixed resistance or resistor opposes the flow of electric currents.Its value,which we measure in ohms,is indicated by a code of colours and numbers.

The first two stripes are replaced by two numbers,according to their color.The third stripe indicates the number of zeroes that we must add to the previous figure.The fourth stripe indicates the tolerance or the tolerance or the máximum deviation from the theoretical value.

VARIABLE RESISTANCE OR POTENTIOMETER: The value of a variable resistance or potentiometer can be adjusted between zero and the máximum value specified by the manufacturer.

  • Resistance that depends on temperature is called a thermistor.There are two types of thermisors:
  1. Negative temperature coefficient:The resistance decreases as the temperature rises.
  2. Positive temperature coefficient:The resistance increases as the temperature rises.
  • LDR:Resistance that varies according to the amount of light received.The resistance decreases as the amount of light increases.These devices,like potentiometers,are often used in security systems,where they are parts of sensors.

lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

An electromagnetic control system activites the various parts of a machine,at the right momento and for the right amount of time,ensuring that the machine funtions properly.

The device on the side of the pulley in the picture above is called a cam.The shape of this device allows us to control the moment and duration of an activity,such as the running of a motor or the illumination of a light bulb.

The switches is activated when the float rises to a certain level.When the wáter level goes down,the switch returns to its original position and the pump turns on again.There are two types of limit switch:
  • Normally closed.
  • Normally open.

jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

An electric motors is a divice that can transform electrical energy into movement.It uses the forces of attraction and repulsion between a magnet and an electrically-charged wire.

Is an electromagnetic component that Works as a switch.When electricity passes through the coil,it acts like a magnet.The coil attracts a moveable metal contact towards another fixed contract.When the electricity stops flowing,the moveable contact goes back to its original position.

Electromagnetic mechanisms are devides that can convert movement into electricity or vice versa.In other words,they use electromagnetic phenomena to produce electricity or convert it into mechanical energy.

Electromagnetic generators transform mechanical energy into electricity.There are two types:Dynamos and alternators.

DYNAMOS:Consists of a magnet and rotary coil.The coil is located between the two poles of the magnet. The ends of the coil have two semi-circular conductors,which form the commulator.These conductors are attached to carbón brushes, which in turn are conneted to electrical wires.When electricity is applied to the coil,it rotates and begins to generate direct current in the coil.

ALTERNATORS:A simple alternator is almost identical to a dynamo,except for the commutator,which consists of two metallic rings connected to carbón brushes.Instead of direct current,this produces alternating current.

lunes, 3 de abril de 2017


The energy that an electric current produces as heat is called the joule effect.It is expressed by the following formula:
E= I2*R*t.

There are various ways that electricy can be used to produce light.

Incandescent bulbs:When an electric current passes through the metallic filament of a light bulb,it produces light.The phenomenon is called incandescence.

Fluorescent tubes:Inside a fluorescent tube,there is a metallic filament,normally made of tungsten.There is also an inert gas,such as argon,and a small amount of mercury. When an electric current passes through the filament,electrons are emitted into the inert gas.

Light-emitting diodes:A light-emitting diode has layers of semiconductor materials.

In this experiment,the electric circuit has created a magnetic field.This effect can be used to produce movement.
The scientist Michael Faraday discovered to opposite effect.He noticed that electricity could be generated by using a manget and an electrical conductor.This principle allows us to build dynamos and alternators.

We can transform electric current into sound by using electromechanical devides,such as bells and buzzers.Some of these devides are based on the piezoelectric effect,or the ability of some materials to change when electricy is applied to them.